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    “The Wisdom-seeking process is like trying to cap a bottle in the dark.  
    We try to find the bottle but we cannot see any thing.
    Finally, we cap the bottle and turn it tight.

    When you cap the bottle, the bottle will grab the cap.
    When you are controlled by the outside realm; you can not freely use your wisdom.

    If you want to escape being tied to each other, you have to turn open the cap one more time, and, this time, turning the cap is giving up your self and the arrogance of knowledge.”
    (The Sutra of My Heart—Sending you a Song for Crossing the River, Hung Chi-Sumg)



    —摘自《The Sutra of My Heart—Sending you a Song for Crossing the River》


    The Heart Sutra, in just 260 words, it is full of the ultimate wisdom of life.
    People of different eras, facing different changes, chaos, and sufferings, can find relief and peace from the Heart Sutra. This is the reason why the Heart Sutra transcends religions and regions and is widely recited by people from all walks of life.

    "The Sutra of My Heart—Sending you a Song for Crossing the River" is Master Hung Chi-Sung's interpretation from a never-seen-before perspective, and gives a fresh presentation of the Heart Sutra in the form of prose. Furthermore, he also provides a beautiful English translation of the classic Heart Sutra.

     This book combines text and painting. The paintings painted by the author in meditation are like the scenery along the river of life. All phenomena are constantly changing. They can be aggregated or decomposed. There is no "beginning" and no "ending". If we awaken to the emptiness of all existences, and are not controlled by the inertia of life, it is like waking up from a dream, filled with the joy of freedom.

    Let life reach the true, free, other shore! The shore of enlightenment is in this life, and is not the ending; it is the beginning.



    《The Sutra of My Heart—Sending you a Song for Crossing the River》,是洪啟嵩禪師以前所未見的角度來詮釋、解讀,並且以散文的形式重新呈現《心經》,同時作者也為經典《心經》作出精彩的英文翻譯。




    《The Sutra of My Heart》Foreword

    —Lyonpo Dr. Kinzang Dorji (Former Prime Minister of Bhutan)

    I remember from my childhood days when lay monks would be invited to our house to recite Sherab Nyingpo or the Heart Sutra whenever advised by Lams or astrologers to overcome difficult times such as sickness in the family. This practice continues to this day not only in my household but in almost every Bhutanese household. But I was to understand the origin and real meaning of the Sutra only much later in my life. It was in 2010 on a pilgrimage with my family to Buddhist holy sites in India when I was able to visit the Vulture’s Peak or Vulture Flock Mountain in Rajagriha, now known as Rajgir, where this Sutra of Sutras or the essence of all of Buddha’s teachings was first delivered. Rajgir is also considered as one of the eight holiest Buddhist sites since it was here Buddha delivered his second sermon or the second turning of the wheel of Dharma took place. It was an experience of extraordinary feeling being able to share this exclusive space with pilgrims from many countries such as Korea, Thailand, Japan and India and recite the Heart Sutra which was born on this very holy site.

    Master Hung Chi-Sung enjoys tremendous respect as a writer, painter, and internationally renowned scholar of Buddhism and meditation. Amongst his follower-students in Taiwan are seasoned politicians from across party lines, top business tycoons, academics and bureaucrats. So, I wholeheartedly welcome Master Hung’s initiative to get his book, “The Sutra of My Heart” published in Bhutan, the last Mahayana Buddhist Kingdom, where His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the extraordinary 4th King of Bhutan, gave birth to the wise and profound philosophy of Gross National Happiness which is now the guiding principle and objective for Bhutan’s development path to its future. Master Hung’s book can not only help us to understand the true essence of our state religion, Buddhism, better but it can also help us to attain our overarching national goal of Gross National Happiness. I recommend this book to every Bhutanese and wish everyone a happy reading.


    Hung Chi-Sung(洪啟嵩)



    平裝本 / 154頁 / 17x24cm


    ● 著作權法保護之商品(書籍、印刷品及影音商品等)除有非人為之瑕疵外,一經販售或拆封概不接受退貨。



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